The Truth About Toilet Swirl: Synced for you…

You’ve likely heard that the directionality of the water swirl in a toilet flush is due to the Coriolis effect. It rotates counter-clockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern. However, that’s not exactly accurate. While the Coriolis effect does happen, it’s not significant enough to influence a toilet swirl.

Smarter Every Day and Veritasium have teamed up to explain just that, except they’ve done something marvellous this time. There are two videos, one on each of their channels that have to be played simultaneously for you to have the maximum viewing enjoyment. Yes, it’s the easiest thing to do, but I’ve made it a bit easier for you.

If the sun didn’t rise…

I’ve never been one of those who set alarms for their mornings to come. I’ve noticed I sleep a greater duration when I force myself awake than when I wake naturally. For many months now, the candidate at the front end, of the queue of stimuli for this natural awakening, was the position of the sun relative to the horizontal. Let me translate that last one for the non-geek: ‘The sun wakes me up.’

The key to happiness…

Happiness is the only emotion without an equal or an anti-parallel.

Denver Dias

For as long as humans have learnt to communicate, they’ve tried attributing the ‘one without an equal’ label to Love, but I just don’t see it, yet. To me, happiness is everything. Even love isn’t any good without happiness.