Bootstrap: ScrollSpy tips…

ScrollSpy is a handy JavaScript feature in Twitter’s Bootstrap framework. With a help of a little creative CSS and perhaps a bit more JavaScript, it is capable of facilitating beautiful scroll position activated animations.

The documentation however makes it appear extremely restrictive. As of this day, they’ve mentioned that ScrollSpy requires a Bootstrap nav component, but that’s simply not the case. In general ScrollSpy, untouched and unchanged can do a lot more than described. Usually, finding that out requires a lot of hard work, but you have me now.

Bootstrap: Tooltips for Modal buttons…

I’m a huge fan of Twitter’s Bootstrap framework. It’s a set of free-to-use stylesheets and scripts that gets you started on designing well laid out, mobile responsive sites. This site of mine, right here, uses it. It simplifies front-end development and amazing looking websites can be rolled out quickly with it.

Just like every plugin out there, this too has minor kinks and annoyances. And just like every other plugin, there’s always a fix. This post is about one of them.